Member Login

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the membership licence?

The licence allows the teachers at the school to:
  • have an unlimited use of the content in a schooling context: in class, exercises, analysis, IP etc.
  • print resources and distribute them to students while the membership is active
  • email up to 5x scripts to each of your students
  • play any of the videos in a physical or virtual classroom.

What CAN'T you do under this licence?

  • You can not retain, distribute or use any resources, including printed scripts, if your membership is no longer current
  • You can not provide access to any person who is not a teacher or student at the school which this licence is under. That means no teacher from other schools, family members or private students who aren’t permanent members of your school is allowed to access the site and its content
  • You can not record any lessons in which you play the videos.

Does the licence include performance right for the students?


Students attending the school, which the licence is under, can perform any play from TMP Script Bank royalty free.
The licence to perform is granted as long as the membership is active and valid.

I'm currently a teacher at XYZ school, but I will be teaching at another school, can I access this at my new school?

The membership and licence agreement is between The Monologue Project and a specific school.
Unfortunately, if you teach at different school you cannot use the content (including downloaded or printed materials) from the Drama Teachers' Member site.

You can use content available through our Free Resources page.

Can a school transfer its licence to another school?

Yes, a school may transfer the membership and licence to another school.

This would mean:
  • full licence rights would transfer to the nominated school for the balance of the membership period
  • teachers at the transferring (original) school will no longer be able to use any of the content, exercises or scripts available on Drama Teachers' Member site.
  • students (at the transferring school) will need to purchase the script separately and permission must be explicitly given by the author before the students can perform the monologues.

I've used scripts from The Monologue Project in the past. Can I still use it?

If they are one of the free ones available via our Free Resources page then definitely yes.
We offer great free scripts on our sister site These can used for personal purposes.

If you have purchased the scripts (individually or as part of a publication) then yes.

However, if you do not have a licence and you have not purchased the script then you will no longer be able to use them after 2022.

When does the 12-month membership start?

Your membership starts when payment is received and is valid for 365 days (or 366 for a leap year!), 

If you have any other questions, please contact us here.
